Headlines of 2024

Find out about the University's performance across different key areas.

University world league table position

27th Quacquarelli Symonds (QS)

29th Times Higher Education (THE)

The University continues to place in the top 30 of the two most influential world league tables.

Student numbers (including Online Distance Learning)

2024: 49,485

2023: 49,740

2022: 49,065

Student numbers reduced by 0.5% in total, although new student intakes grew. Driving the fall was a 4% fall in postgraduate taught. Students from Scotland increased in number but there were fewer students from both rest of UK and from outside the UK.

Total income

2024: £1,434 million

2023: £1,385 million

2022: £1,298 million

Total income grew by £49 million. Investment income grew significantly by close to 50% with research and other income growth more modest at 7%. Tuition fees growth slowed further to under 3%.

Earnings Before Interest, Taxation, Depreciation & Amortisation (EBITDA)1

2024: £84 million

2023: £148 million 

2022: £168 million

EBITDA achieved in the year was 5.8% of income, below our target 7-9%. The Financial Review provides further commentary on income and expenditure in the year.

Capital expenditure

2024: £186 million

2023: £165 million

2022: £158 million

Capital expenditure (including spend on intangibles) grew in the year. Spend on land and buildings exceeded £120 million in the year, a rise of £20 million from prior year. Spend on fixtures, fittings and equipment was £63 million in the year.

1 In calculating EBITDA, adjustments are made for interest costs, capital grants and non-cash items such as depreciation and pension provision movements.