Free to flourish: Community groups thrive in University spaces

The University’s Community Access to Rooms project has now become a permanent arrangement.

Bare Productions theatre group perform in an event space
Bare Productions theatre group perform in an event space.

More than 40 community groups have used the buildings on offer across the campuses. The scheme aims to foster a meaningful relationship between the University and the community through free room hire, ensuring that the rooms are used to their full potential and that cost is not a barrier to good quality meeting space.  

Dominic Lewis, Director of Edinburgh theatre group, Bare Productions, has used a variety of spaces across campus to host rehearsals, auditions and events. 

He says: “We were charging people a membership fee to cover the cost of room hire, as well as having a high fundraising target and applying for grants. Although we still apply for funding now, it means that we can redirect those funds into other areas to help us expand or to provide more opportunities for the community.” 

Bare Productions was set up in 2017 to provide theatre opportunities to those living in Edinburgh. The 40 group members include University students, staff, and people from across the city. 

“Everything we do is centred around an ethos of community values: community accessibility, innovation and creativity,” Dominic continues. “We also have separate strands to the company that help amplify voices of those often unheard.” 

Last year, the group worked with Waverley Care, Scotland’s HIV and Hepatitis C charity, on a production of Rent, which portrays the AIDs crisis in the 1980s. They created resource packs and put on presentations for the public. Dominic says: “Having access to the University space has also been helpful for when we’ve hosted external events and filled the space with public audiences.” 

Supports Sustainable Development Goals: 

10. Reduced inequalities 

11. Sustainable cities and communities