The science of widening participation

Alessandra Giovannelli is passionate about the benefits of widening participation at the University of Edinburgh.

Alessandra Giovannelli
Alessandra Giovannelli

A third-year Biomedical Sciences student, Alessandra was introduced to the programme as a pupil at St Augustine’s High School in Edinburgh. 

“My school really emphasised the importance of widening participation,” Alessandra says. "I was introduced to it by my Personal and Social Education (PSE) teacher. She talked about the YourEd+ programme. 

“I met staff from the University and completed some sessions of the first phase of the programme, I got to understand what it was about; the different skills you use at the University, critical thinking, writing and referencing. It was interesting because we were never introduced to these skills, so it was something new for us all. It’s useful to have an insight before actually going to uni.”

Alessandra has continued her involvement in widening participation during her time at the University, too. “I help at open days as a Student Ambassador and participate in the YourEd+ programme. I am mainly there to answer questions from students.

This year I worked with high school students in the lab, too. My role was to help them understand what they were doing, telling them about equipment and how to be safe in the lab. My experience on the programme helps me understand what they are going through because I have already been through it and I know the sort of questions they might want to ask about studies and the University.”

Alessandra’s work has also exposed her to new opportunities. “Being part of the programme has given me important networking opportunities in the University and Biomedical Sciences, allowing me to get more involved in work in the lab.”

It is also a very personally rewarding activity for Alessandra: “When I speak with the students I help, they are so enthusiastic about the whole process and what they are learning, which is very nice to see.”

Supports Sustainable Development Goals:  

4. Quality education

10. Reduced inequalities

17. Partnerships for the goals