Non-Taxable Scholarship Payments

Accounts Payable are responsible for the payment of non-taxable scholarship awards.

From 1st April 2022

Payroll will no longer pay non-taxable scholarship payments so we have created an "interim" process to ensure students receive their payments on time. The process has been defined in the user guides held on our Specialist Services SharePoint site (see link below). To summarise:


  • All scholarships in payment up to 31st March 2022 will be migrated from Oracle to E'financials. They will continue to be paid via e'financials until Finance goes live in People and Money in August 2022. The data will then be migrated from E'financials to People & Money.
  • Any new scholarships from 1st April 2022 should be checked for tax status and new ways of workings should be followed depending on the outcome.
  • Any amendments to existing scholarships in payment should be made using the guidance provided below.


From 1st August 2022 Scholarships will be paid via the new People & Money system and further information will be provided as we move closer to our go live date.

It should be noted that the Schools must maintain a record of all new Scholarships in payment from 1st April 2022 as this information will need to be uploaded to People & Money. Guidance for maintenance and the template you can use to store the information can be found in the Specialist Services SharePoint Site.


Maintenance of Scholarships in payment before 1st April 2022

Scholarships previously paid by Payroll have moved to e'financials until Finance goes live in August 2022 at which point the payment information will be migrated over to People & Money. If you have any changes to a scholarship in payment before 1st April 2022, click on the link to the SharePoint site button below for guidance on how to request a change.


You will find detailed guidance on our Specialist Services SharePoint site by clicking on the link below:


Specialist Services SharePoint Site – Non-Taxable Scholarships