
The Treasury Services function covers the areas of liquidity, investments and risk management. Treasury are responsible for managing Treasury balances, support and guide the activities of the University’s Investment Committees and act as primary contact for the University’s banking and investing relationships.

Treasury Services is responsible for the management of investments and cash flows, banking, money market and capital market transactions; the effective control of the risks associated with those activities; and the pursuit of optimum performance consistent with those risks.​  

Treasury Services is responsible for the development and delivery of all aspects of the University’s group-wide Treasury Management Policy – link to policy  

The Treasury Service is based within Finance Specialist Services in the Finance Department. The team is based within Charles Stewart House. Treasury Services is headed up by Terry Fox, Director of Specialist Services with Jim Madden the Treasury Manager being responsible for the day to day running of the service.

The Treasury Manager is accountable for provision of the Treasury Service.

The University recognises the importance of good practice in the field of Treasury Management. The Treasury Management Policy sets out the University's Policy on raising capital finance and investing cash.

It also deals with internal movements of funds between accounts established by the University.

Treasury Services will manage all aspects of the Universities debt position.

Providing support on Investment activities of the University Investment Committee.

Maintain effective cash flow forecasts to enable delivery of the Universities objectives.

Manage approach of foreign currency activities.

Supporting investment activities.

Primary contact for transactional banking.

Providing support and advice/guidance to stakeholder.

Services available from the Treasury Team