
If you are an internally-funded student, this means you will have an award, funding or a scholarship from the University for all or part of your tuition fees.

What you need to do if you have full or partial internal funding 

1. After you receive confirmation of your internal funding, you must register how you will pay your tuition fees.

2. Register as a student online. 

3. If you have partial internal funding, then you will need to pay for the rest of your tuition fees yourself by card, bank transfer or set up a Recurring Card Payment (RCP) instalment plan.

Who is considered an internally-funded student?

You are an internally-funded student if any of the following statements apply to you:  

  • you receive a University of Edinburgh scholarship 

  • you receive an award from your school or college 

  • you receive a scholarship from your school or college

  • you receive other funding from the University 

Step 1: Register how you will pay your tuition fees (if you have not done so)

If you have not already completed this form, you should do so now to tell us how you will pay your fees.    

You will need to complete this form once at the start of every academic year, or whenever the way you fund your studies changes.

You do not need to complete this form if you have done so previously in the current academic year. Only complete it again if the way you fund your studies has changed. If you do not need to complete the form again, go to step 2. 

Register how you will pay your tuition fees (if you have not done so)

Step 2: Complete your student registration online 

As part of the tuition fees payment process, you will need to complete your student registration online for each academic year. 

How to complete your student registration

If you have full internal funding  

If you receive full internal funding, then your tuition fees will be paid for you by the University after completing student registration.  

You will not need to do anything else so long as the Finance team know who they need to contact about paying your tuition fees.  

If you have partial internal funding

If you receive partial internal funding, then you will need to pay the rest of your fees yourself.  

You will receive an invoice that shows how much you still need to pay. August to October is the busiest period for issuing invoices, so it may take several weeks to receive yours. 

Please pay your invoice in full once received, this will be emailed to your University student email account and visible in My finance. 

Step 3: Pay for the rest of your tuition fees (if partially funded)

If you have partial internal funding, you can pay for the rest of your tuition fees by either of the following ways:  

  • one payment (by card, bank transfer or online payment platform) 


  • set up a Recurring Card Payment (RCP) instalment plan 

Pay your tuition fees in one payment 

Pay your tuition fees by instalment 

Check My finance 

You will be able to see a record of your tuition fees payments by checking My finance by logging into MyEd.  

Log in to MyEd 

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