September bulletin 2020

The latest news from Team Finance

Starting this October, the University is delivering a transformation in our HR and finance services and giving everyone a simple online system for all the tasks we need to get done day to day.

Information for staff on receiving and processing cheques, cash and banking in light of Covid-19 regulations.

And the winner of this month's Team Finance photography competition is...

We’d like to make you aware of some good news relating to the supply of the University’s stationery.  

Peter Hayakawa, Procurement Policy Officer, writes for Scotland's Centre for Regional Inclusive Growth (SCRIG).

As the nights start drawing in, now is the perfect time to make sure we're looking after our wellbeing.

The Great British Bake Off is hitting our screens again, and this time we have one of our own in the tent...

Eva, who provided yoga classes in Charles Stewart House pre-lockdown, is offering online classes for Finance colleagues.

On the September team Finance call we heard from Rachael Robertson, Deputy Director of Finance, on the launch of the People and Money system on 28th Octber.