July 2019 Bulletin

Articles from the July 2019 Bulletin

Update on the Finance : Professional Development Forum meeting held in May.

Agenda for the Scottish Universities Finance Conference being held on the 25th October 2019.

Melissa Steel joins us as Communications Manager for 10 months to cover the maternity leave of Eppy Harries-Pugh.

We would like to introduce this year’s customer service awards. Anyone in Team Finance can nominate a Finance colleague/team or colleague/team from another area in the University. They may nominate a number of times and in all categories.

Latest news from the Accounts Payable team.

Approved Employer Status.

Are you nearing retirement age?

Taught and Research Programmes.

Update on topical issues from the RGS team.

New training course for senior staff.

Find out what training courses are available from Finance in August, September and October and book yourself a place.