Communication, comments and complaints

Information, communication and contact from and to the Income Section is provided in different formats.


Formal documents such as invoices, credit notes, statements and reminders will be sent electronically to the University student 'sms' email address which is the official method of communication to students. Students must access and use this account regularly.



The Income Section may also contact students direct using any other contact details provided to the University:

  • using any phone number provided by the student
  • using any alternative email address provided by the student
  • by letter to the home and /or term address provided by the student

Emails sent by Income Section will be sent from 'FINANCE Fee Payments' and will show one of the following email addresses:

    Income Section logo

The email may also contain this logo: 

Emails sent through UniDesk will show as "UoE Help Number IYYMMDD-XXXX <>".

Detailed information about the various payment options, methods and dates is contained in these webpages along with information about payment default and the collection policy. If you are ever concerned about the validity of a payment request sent to you then please contact

Other general information from the Income Section will also be sent on:

  • notifications through MyEd
  • twitter: @UoEpayfees


We welcome any ideas you have about making the service we provide better. You can send your suggestions and comments to the Income Section by email, phone, fax or letter.

Income Section

Finance Department

Contact details


Information about the University's complaint procedure