Finance Forms

Finance Department forms available to download, categorised by section.

Our Finance Forms are being reviewed to make them easier to fill in on-screen. Just tab through the fields and check the details are correct before sending to the recipient highlighted at the top of each form. 

If you require any of the following documents in an alternative format please contact the Finance Helpline by email at or by phone on 0131 651 5151. More information on accessibility can be found here:


Accounts Payable forms

Cash Office forms

Finance Department Staff Only

Finance Department Budget Request Form for Finance Department Staff

Finance Department Budget Request Form for Finance Department Staff (IT Kit & Software Only)

eAuthorisations Request

Financial Information, Reporting & Strategy Team (FIRST)

Finance Systems forms


Income Section Forms

Manual Credit Memo Request Form (v2)

Customer Compliance Checks


Insurance Office forms

Payroll forms

Pensions forms

Recruitment forms

Service Assurance Forms

Corporate Credit Card Application Form