November 2019 Bulletin

Read the latest from Team Finance.

Maria Dick, Procurement Officer, Procurement Office & Ashleigh Kelly, Management Accountant: Financial Modelling, Financial Information, Reporting & Strategy Team (FIRST) met for afternoon coffee and cake in the Law School Café.

The Finance Helpline has received its 100,000 calls and has reached some other important milestones too.

Team Finance invites you to take part in our traditional Christmas raffle.

Did you attend our Autumn Event? Are you still sticking to the commitments you made in your Values booklet?

Hiring Managers and Budget Holders should be aware that there are endorsed Frameworks available to call off from for Temporary and Interim Staff.

The University is looking at options available to us via the new Southern University Procurement Consortium national agreement (SUPC).

Antonia Hynd Procurement Officer, Professional and Campus Services team, Procurement Office, was invited by the Fair Trade Forum, to present at the National PROCUREX conference in October 2019 at the SECC Glasgow.