
Answers to frequent supplier enquires.

How best should I raise my enquiry and how long before I am likely to have received a response?

Purchasing is managed by our Finance Operations Procurement team and we therefore we need to contact them in each case to determine payment status. Therefore sending an email to finance.helpline@ed.ac.uk is the best method to allow us to progress your enquiry directly to the correct team. We aim to progress your email enquiry within 24-36 hours of receipt.  We will copy you in to emails in order that you are aware that your enquiry has been escalated.

I need to contact the University buyer of the order our company has received, however I do not have their contact details, where can I find them?

If you know the name of the buyer then you should be able to source their telephone number and email address by typing their name into the University home page, search engine. www.ed.ac.uk. Alternatively if you do not know their name but have been issued with a Purchase Order number then email us at finance.helpline@ed.ac.uk quoting the order number and we will provide contact details.

Who will approve my invoice for payment?

Our Procurement Operations team will approve your invoice for payment. If you have been issued with a Purchase Order number and the invoice value/s agree with the Order then a successful match will occur and payment will progress. However if a mismatch occurs then the Procurement Team will need to amend their Purchase Order and Goods receipt note to allow successful matching.

I have not received payment of my invoice, who can help me to resolve?

If you have received a Purchase Order then email finance.helpline@ed.ac.uk as they should be able to advise the status of the invoice and/or progress to the Order Originator, to determine the cause of any delay, with a view to resolving. If you have not received a Purchase Order number then in the first instance you should contact Procurement Operations by emailing finance.helpline@ed.ac.uk for advice.