Payroll Procedures

Payroll procedures are on the Finance Specialist Services SharePoint site.

Detailed information on payroll procedures are available in the Specialist Services SharePoint site. Accessing the SharePoint requires logging in via EASE. Payroll procedures on the Specialist Services SharePoint Site

Payroll number and pay advice

Your staff number is used as your payroll number. It can be found on your staff card, or from your monthly pay advice. Your monthly pay advice will also state your annual basic salary.

You can access your payslip electronically. Further information can be found here. If you do not see a monthly pay advice online, check with Payroll to ensure that you have been paid. Payroll can provide you with a printout of your current month's salary if required.

Bank accounts

The current policy in the University is that all payments made via the payroll system will be to UK bank accounts. There are currently no facilities to allow payments into foreign bank accounts or salary payments in foreign currencies.

If you require advice on how to set up a UK bank account click on the link below for guidance.

Bank accounts