Purchase Ordering Policy

The University is strengthening its policy in relation to the use of purchase orders.

As you will be aware, it is good practice to raise a purchase order before you order works or goods and services from a supplier. If you instruct a supplier to supply products or provide services verbally or in writing but not using a Purchase Order, you may have created a legally binding contract where the terms and conditions, and perhaps the price, have not been clearly identified.

As a result you are relying on the supplier acting in good faith in setting the price. Technically, in law, if they supply products or provide services or deliver works, they can choose the delivery or completion period, specify the quality and quantity of goods, services or works and are entitled to charge whatever price they claim as being payable.

From period 1 in August (01/08/18), the University will expect the purchase of works, goods and services from suppliers external to the University to be done via purchase order, and processed via the trade creditor ledger P01 or other official University ordering systems for Estates, Accommodation and Catering, or Library systems.

In preparation for this, we will be writing out to our suppliers in the next few days to advise them of the need to obtain a valid purchase order to ensure payments delays are avoided.

The purchase ordering policy is outlined here

There are a number of exceptions noted in the policy and there are also a number of supplier exemptions that have been identified.

View Supplier Exemptions


These will be updated from time to time so please look out for updates to this.

We appreciate that this may be difficult for some of you to achieve initially but we will support you in doing this. We have two presentations planned for August to launch this policy.

•             Event Financial Skills Development : Accounts Payable Update

•             14th August 2018 (14:15-16:00)

•            Direct event booking page: https://www.events.ed.ac.uk/index.cfm?event=book&scheduleID=30538  

•             Event Financial Skills Development : Accounts Payable Update

•             22nd August 2018 (14:15-16:00)

•             Direct event booking page: https://www.events.ed.ac.uk/index.cfm?event=book&scheduleID=30539


If you have any queries regarding this please contact the Finance Helpdesk.

Contact Finance Helpdesk