Ask the Expert......Stuart Graham

Stuart Graham tells us about his new role as the Head of Financial Information, Reporting and Strategy team in the Finance Department and how his team help the University to achieve a level of financial performance that supports our strategic plans. And of course life outside work, where he is kept very busy with his 22 month old son!

Stuart Graham
Stuart and son Sam

What’s your role within the Finance Department?

As of this month I have been seconded to the position of Head of Financial Information, Reporting and Strategy Team (FIRST).  It’s an exciting time to be leading the team with a new Director of Finance in place, the Finance Transformation Programme progressing and lots of other changes either underway or planned soon.  I work with a great team of people in our office and I’m looking forward to us tackling the challenges ahead.


What’s an average day like for you in the Finance Department?

I didn’t have average days in my old role and don’t expect this to change in my new position.  There are different University committees each month that the team produce papers for and through the year there are tasks that fall on known dates such as our quarterly forecasts and annual TRAC submission.  However there is great variety in the unplanned queries and requests that arrive in my inbox on a daily basis and it is these tasks that make no two days the same.


What have you/your team been working on recently?

Many people in my team are currently attending daily workshops on the Service Excellence Programme, all related to the introduction of a new Core System.  There is a big investment in time required for this project but it’s exciting to be involved in such a big change programme.

The annual planning round is also in progress and is my top priority at the moment as we provide management with the analysis and reports required to aid decision-making and ensure the University achieves a level of financial performance that supports our strategic plans.


What keeps you busy outside of work?

I’m married to Marie and home life for us largely revolves around our little boy Sam.  He’s 22 months old, great fun, full of energy, likes to wake early at weekends and is learning fast that he doesn’t have to do what Mum or Dad say!  I try to squeeze in a game of football, trips to the cinema and theatre and a music gig whenever I can.  I love travelling and seeing new places – hoping this year to have a first trip to Orkney or the Outer Hebrides.