Procurement: Request for reducing demands

As you will be aware, the COVID-19 virus impact  is affecting supply chains and product availability at a global level.

For critical suppliers:

Throughout this period of uncertainty we must also ensure awareness of our most critical suppliers , where if impacted, could have a significant commercial or continuity impact on the University in both the immediate and longer term.

Could you please ensure such suppliers are identified and flagged immediately to the Procurement team to enable a monitor to be placed on these suppliers by way of early warning on any potential issues.

We would like to thank colleagues for their patience during this time and will keep you updated on supplier briefs as and when we can.

Formal guidance on procurement and contracts will be provided as soon as possible and linked via

For staff:

The University would like to request that if you have not already done so, as part of your business continuity plans this week,

please ensure that you ask as soon as possible:

  • all staff to review expenditure plans and only purchase what is needed for the current arrangements and activities planned
  • to check if what they are ordering is absolute necessary, or to cancel or ask for a delay on orders, within the contract terms

e.g. where a work team is no longer onsite and expected materials, goods, equipment are not actually needed at this time, 

e.g. where the building or specific section/room is closed and so a delivery is not able to be physically accepted, or transferred,

e.g. where funding has not been secured, or may be under review due to impact on operations, research or teaching at this time


For IT and related items -  where there are shortages, and our urgent users are being managed collaboratively, to try and ensure University critical services:

  • our main suppliers have asked their customers to control the unusually high demand of orders

For PPE and medical supplies -  where shortages may impact global health care services

  • please prioritise current staff health and safety and protection as usual.

For Printing – please continue to email for advice or design work we will get right back to you with what to expect from us or suppliers.

  • Note we design for digital material as well as hard copy, and can provide advice and guidance to staff, students, or other clients.
  • Our Kings Buildings (JCMB) or Infirmary Street sites are no longer accepting work face to face
  • Students should check with their Schools regarding academic submissions

For general communications

Use the order reference to communicate to suppliers of any changed the delivery location (within the University, home delivery NOT allowed).

Any queries, direct to the Finance Helpline use the subject  PROCUREMENT ADVICE - LOCATION

For NEW urgent supplies over £50k, extensions to existing contracts or for a case for non-compete or uplift requests for approval, 

Any queries direct to Finance Helpline use the subject  PROCUREMENT ADVICE - APPROVAL  cc