
Disclaimer for the University of Edinburgh Online Store, ePay.

While the University of Edinburgh has used reasonable endeavours to ensure that all information or data contained in this ePay Website is correct, accurate and reliable, it expressly disclaims all, representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, with respect to the ePay Website or to the information, content, products or services included in this site including, without limitation, warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, other than to the extent to which the same shall be protected by law.

The University of Edinburgh is not a Credit Broker.

The University of Edinburgh operates under Scottish law and is subject to the Jurisdiction of the Scottish Courts.

The University uses all reasonable endeavours to ensure that the information contained within this website is kept up-to-date and that the prices referred to therein are correct but you should check with the appropriate Department.

The University has in place appropriate firewall and other anti-virus security measures but accepts no responsibility in relation to the security and protection from viruses of users, and to the furthest extent allowable at law, excludes all liability for a user's loss or corruption of data, arising as a result of a breach of security, corruption by virus or any other cause. The University cannot ensure that the ePay Website is compatible with every kind of browser or system, but it will try to help users should problems arise.