Research Management Conference

This year’s Research Management Conference will be held in the Informatics Forum on Wednesday 24th April 2019, 9.15-14.00.

Who should attend?


brain scans

•  in a research support role in a School, College or Professional Services area

•  working as a researcher and interested in the University's research strategy

•  interested in finding out more about research management

This is the third conference we have held and previous delegates have found the event helpful and informative, as well as being an excellent opportunity to network.  

What does the conference aim to do?

This is a half day event intended to provide you with an overview of some current research management related topics.

The draft agenda is

  • My Research : Academic presentation
  • Edinburgh’s Research Strategy and key priorities
  • Panel Discussions
  • External Speakers : Update from funders including funder priorities (Wellcome Trust, UKRO) , due diligence and other emerging issues 
  • Information Stands
  • Networking Lunch

Who is presenting?

We are planning to have a number of speakers on issues relating to research management from both inside and outside the University and hopefully from one or two of the big research funders.

Have you booked? 

To reserve a place click here.