Request for research participants

Programme Director at Edinburgh College of Art, Rachel Simmonds, is looking for participants to take part in research about working from home during lockdown.

As Programme Director for Post Graduate Interior, Architectural and Spatial Design at Edinburgh College of  Art, some of my research over the past few years has been looking at current and future workplace design.

In these unprecedented times I’ve started looking at how people are adapting their domestic environments to support home based working in a way they have never had to before (working title Change Of View: Infiltrating Domesticity )

I’m collecting images of the working from home environments that people have begun to create for themselves. From review of the images I hope to be able to define various forms of adaptation and even see if new working environments are being created.

I’m trying to gather images from as many varied professions as possible, so if you’d like to take part I’d be really grateful if you could send me a photograph of where you are working at home (max 2MB). Please accompany this with a few short sentences describing where it is in your house, does anyone else share it, does its function alter during the day, what you like about it, what you’d change etc – anything really that will give an idea of how and why you’ve created this space, and what you think about it.


If you could email this to me at with the title Change of View.


I’m not sure what the outcome of this research will be but any images or references used in any future papers, exhibitions or publications will be anonymous, and at most just note the field of work of the user.

Please also feel free to pass this call onto anyone else you think might be interested in taking part.



Rachel Simmonds BSc(Hons) MSc (AAS) RIBA RIAS FHEA

Programme Director MA Interior, Architectural and Spatial Design