Accounts Payable (AP)

Latest news from the Accounts Payable team.

Diagram with people & relationships as nodes in a network

Retrospective Purchase Orders 

A year on from the introduction of our purchase ordering policy we are still finding ~25% of purchase orders are being raised retrospectively. Under the purchase ordering policy, retrospective purchase orders are not allowed. The raising of a purchase order provides a commitment that can be used in the management accounts and ensures suppliers comply with the University’s Terms and Conditions. It is best practice to raise a purchase order prior to making a purchase on behalf of the University. There may be some instances where it is not possible to raise a purchase order and, for these, an agreed list of exceptions has been prepared.

Exceptions must be processed by FPM. 

Separation of Duties

We have been reviewing the separation of duties on eFinancials purchase ordering and are finding a number of purchase orders have been originated, approved and receipted by the same person. Please ensure that you continue to have a separation of duties between purchase order originator/authoriser on eFinancials purchase orders.

AP Staff News

Following on from Kerry Scott's secondment to the CORE systems project we have a number of staff changes in the team.

Until October 2019

  • Rosemary Johnson/ Audry Dasnoy will be acting manger until October 2019.  
  • Alastair Irvine / Audry Dasnoy will be acting deputy manager until October 2019.

From October 2019 

  • Rosemary Johnson wll be acting manager until November 2020
  • Audry Dasnoy will be acting deputy manager until November 2020

Do you want to find out what AP does, do you have a problem with an AP process? 

Please come along to meet the team, and get advice. To help us plan, please book your place now

  • 09th Aug 2019  (10:00-11:00)  Click here to book 
  • 13th Sep 2019  (10:00-11:00)  Click here to book 
  • 11th Oct 2019   (10:00-11:00)  Click here to book 
  • 08th Nov 2019  (10:00-11:00)  Click here to book 

Payment Runs 

Payment runs will follow the usual twice weekly cycle of Tuesdays and Thursdays throughout August. In the final week in July, payment runs are planned for Tuesday 30 July 2019 and Friday 2 August 2019, the latter being the final payment run for the Period 12 transactions processed for the financial year 2018/19. 

It is anticipated the next payment run will be Tuesday 6 August 2019. This may be subject to change as it is reliant on the purchase ledgers successfully transferring into Period 1.

Thank you 

A big thank you to everyone in Schools and Departments for helping to process all our purchase invoices promptly. We expect to exceed last year's invoice volumes and process over 300,000 invoice payments in 2018 2019. 

Year End Purchase Invoice Processing Reminder 

Top tip from AP : To get your purchase invoices processed in P12, you only need to ensure the goods are receipted.

The automatic "accrual" routine will then pick up all invoices that are goods receipted and account for them correctly.


Below is a reminder of the remaining AP cut off dates : 



Period 12

Period 1


Invoices with a purchase order (PO)

PO invoices received will be processed up to 2pm Friday 2 August, provided the goods have been receipted

PO invoices received after this deadline will be processed from Monday 5 August in the new financial year

PO invoices received by the period 12 deadline will be processed and appear as purchase invoice expenditure in 2018/19, providing they can be matched to the corresponding order


Finance Process Manager (FPM)

- Suitable for Non PO invoices, credit notes, casual payment vouchers, paper expense claims, host payments, interview expenses, bursaries, scholarships, stipends etc.

Transactions approved and posted by 5pm Friday 2nd August

Do not approve 2019/20 transactions on FPM until notified on Monday 5 August that the purchase ledger has moved to the new financial year.

Manual payments for invoices and other vouchers should also be made via FPM where possible.

All payment vouchers approved by 5pm Friday 2 August will be included in period 12 figures and paid in period 01.



Electronic Expenses Claims



Claims approved by 5pm Friday 2 August

Do not approve 2019/20 transactions on eExpenses until notified on  Monday 5 August that the purchase ledger has moved to the new financial year.

Claims approved by 5pm Friday 2 August will be included in the period 12 figures and paid in period 01.