Are you a Customer Hero?

We would like to introduce this year’s customer service awards. Anyone in Team Finance can nominate a Finance colleague/team or colleague/team from another area in the University. They may nominate a number of times and in all categories.

We only need a couple of sentences of support a nomination.


Last date for entries is Friday 27th September - nomination emails will go to Audry Dasnoy ( Prize winners will be announced in October during Customer Services Week.


Below are this year’s categories:


Award category


Customer hero

Always receives positive feedback and brighten their customers’ day

Calmer of storms

Handles customers’ objections intelligently and always finds the right words to calm customers

Customer Experience Team of the Year

A Finance team that has shown excellent customer commitment, dedication and passion

Draft pick

Anyone who has joined in the last year/18 months and is already an asset to Team Finance

Service Superstar

Consistent service provided over a sustained period  - who amongst us is enhancing the customer experience day in and day out?

Customer Whisperer

Best capacity to understand and interpret customer needs

Learn by example

A supervisor/coach/manager who has inspired you

WOW award

This one can be anything you want it to be!