EU grant record keeping

Are your EU grant records up-to-date?

European Commission EU logo

We are still, at the time of writing, unsure about whether the UK will leave the EU with a withdrawal agreement in place. In the event of a no-deal scenario, we think it is likely that we will have to prepare reconciliations for the EU and UKRI at the date of exit. This will be a major exercise but one that will be essential to secure funding.   We would therefore like to remind everyone that is good practice to keep your EU grant information up-to-date.

You should ensure that :

  • you have reviewed the balances on your research grant and raised any concerns with your Research Grants Administrator or emailed the
  • your timesheets are completed. A lot of time is spent trying to gather this information and it is a big help if you can do this
  • staffing journal changes are up-to-date and charged to the grant
  • any EU grant currency concerns have been raised with the and
  • you are up-to-date with your transaction processes and purchasing
  • other project milestones are up-to-date.

 In addition, this will help reduce audit queries and minimise the effort of submitting a final claim.

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