Join our Raffle

Team Finance invites you to take part in our traditional Christmas raffle.

A selection of fantastic prizes are up for grabs at the Team Finance Christmas raffle on 13th December  at 10.30am before our annual Christmas lunch.

The event will take place in the Cuillin Room, Charles Stewart House, but is open to members of staff from across the finance community. Speak to your manager if you would like to enter - it's only £1 a strip and tickets are on sale until 12pm on Wednesday 11th December.

Our very own Gillian Harrison has composed a poem to celebrate the occasion:

Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat

There’s whispering in the corridor…a Christmas raffle? Where’s it at?

Room G.6 is the place to head To find the raffle all bright and red

At £1 a strip, buy one, two or more

And we’ll have a Finance raffle with prizes galore

Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat

On Friday 13th we draw winners from a hat

10:30 in the Cuillin Room - we’ll see you down there

With raffle tickets in hand and anticipation in the air

There’ll be hot rolls for all for a jolly Christmas brunch

And I guess you might win….well, it’s just a hunch

Remember to bring cash when you buy your tickets! There will be some breakfast rolls to augment the festive occasion - if you have any particular dietary requirements, please email