The University has updated a number of important policies and procedures relating to anti-bribery, fraud and whistleblowing to counter a global rise in fraudulent activity such as cybercrime. The policies are in line with UK legislation and help the University prevent and deter attempted fraud that could impact core aspects of University activity. The four policies that have been updated: Fraud Whistleblowing Anti-Bribery and Corruption Gifts and Hospitality They influence how we purchase goods and services and how we deal with gifts and hospitality, affecting many employees, agents and third-party suppliers. The University’s updated policies and procedures provide detailed guidance on how the new legislation may impact upon your area of work. What you need to know Read the policies and procedures It is recommended that all staff familiarise themselves with these updated policies, as it may mean changes to the way in which certain activities are dealt with in the future: Read the policies and accompanying procedures Be aware of the key changes We’ve created a summary of the key changes for each of the above policies: Summary of key changes Ask a question If you have a question about any of these policies, please read the FAQs. If you cannot find an answer to your question, you can submit your question regarding any of the 4 policies to a member of the team. Please note: this form is to answer queries and is not the way to report suspected fraud. Ask a question Report fraudulent activity If you want to report suspected fraud, please refer to the relevant policy and procedure for information on the correct process for reporting fraud, bribery or corruption. Please do not start investigating fraud as it is important that the correct protocols are followed. It is the Director of Finance’s responsibility to initiate investigations. Policies and Procedures This article was published on 2024-07-01