Freedom of Information Publications

Certain information relating to the University's financial position and undertakings is made available under the terms of the Freedom of Information act.

In most cases this information is available free of charge from the internet. Where this is not the case please contact the Finance Department in order to obtain the required information.

Finance Department - RECEPTION

reception enquiries ONLY

Contact details


Records Management Section

Further information on the University's publication scheme is available from the Records Management Section.


Budgetary processes

Policies and procedures for making budgetary allocations to major budgetary units.

Timescale of availability: Annual update - June
Other formats available: Paper
Fee for information: Free via internet, 10 pence per page plus postage for paper copies, payable with order.

Budgets overview

Summary of budgetary allocations to major budget units.

Timescale of availability: Annual - January, in respect of the current year
Other formats available: Paper
Fee for information: Free via internet; 10 pence per page plus postage for paper copies, payable with order.

Financial regulations

The institution's financial administration manual.

Exemptions: Policies will be published. The sections dealing with procedures and copy forms will be withheld under exemption S33.

Timescale of availability: Permanently
Other formats available: Paper
Fee for information: £50 for a hard copy of the manual, payable with order

Financial statements

The institution's annual accounts.

Financial statements

Timescale of availability: Annually - four weeks after lodgement with Funding Council
Other formats available: Paper
Fee for information: Free via internet; £6 for a hard copy, payable with order.

Funding body statistical reports and returns

Information that the institution is legally obliged to make available to its funding body.

Exemptions: HESA Finance Statistics Return - annually, one month after approval. Mid-Year Return and Financial Forecasts will be withheld under exemption S33.

Timescale of availability: Annually - four weeks after lodgement with Funding Council
Other formats available: Paper
Fee for information: Free via internet; 10 pence per page plus postage for paper copies, payable with order.


Summary information on the institution's major insurance policies

Timescale of availability: Annual update - August
Other formats available: Paper
Fee for information: Free via internet; 10 pence per page plus postage for paper copies, payable with order.


Summarised information on institutional endowments and other investments.

Refer to ''Notes to the Accounts'' numbers 14:NON-CURRENT INVESTMENTS and 20:ENDOWMENT RESERVES.

Exemptions: Details of all investments held by the institution will be published twice yearly at the end of the financial year and 6 months thereafter. Other information will be withheld under S33 and S36.

Financial statements


List of Investments March 2019 (518.26 KB / PDF)
List of Investments July 2018 (686.29 KB / PDF)


Portfolio of Investments as at 31 July 2016 [PDF - 430KB]

Portfolio of Investments as at 31 January 2016 [PDF - 413KB]

Portfolio of Investments as at 31 July 2015 [PDF - 374KB]

Portfolio of Investments as at 31 January 2015 [PDF - 303kB]

Portfolio of Investments as at 31 July 2014 [PDF - 281kB]

Portfolio of Investments as at 31 July 2013 [PDF - 269kB]

Portfolio of Investments as at 31 July 2012 [PDF - 120kB]

Portfolio of Investments as at 31 January 2012 [PDF - 220kB]

Timescale of availability: Investments: Twice yearly 6 weeks after 31 July and 31 January.
Other formats available: Paper
Fee for information: Free via internet; 10 pence per page plus postage for paper copies, payable with order.


Policies and guidelines on pension arrangements for staff.

Timescale of availability: Annual update - August
Other formats available: Paper
Fee for information: Free via internet; 10 pence per page plus postage for paper copies, payable with order.

Research funding

Statistical information on the major sources of the institution's research funding.

Refer to ''Notes to the Accounts'' number 3 in the Financial Statements.

Timescale of availability: Awards: quarterly - 4 weeks after approval by Court Income and Expenditure: annually - 4 weeks after lodgement of Annual Report and Accounts with Funding Council
Other formats available: Paper
Fee for information: Free via internet; 10 pence per page plus postage for paper copies, payable with order.

Senior staff remuneration

Principal's remuneration and statistical information on remuneration of other senior staff required to be published under the SHEFC Financial Memorandum.

Refer to ''Notes to the Accounts'' number 7 in in the Financial Statements.

Timescale of availability: Annual update - June
Other formats available: Paper
Fee for information: Free via internet; 10 pence per page plus postage for paper copies, payable with order.

Senior staff expenses

Timescale of availability: Annual update - August
Other formats available: Paper
Fee for information: Free via internet; 10 pence per page plus postage for paper copies, payable with order.

Subsidiary companies

Information on the names, addresses, broad functions and purposes of companies where the institution is a majority shareholder.

Timescale of availability: Annual update - June
Other formats available: Paper
Fee for information: Free via internet; 10 pence per page plus postage for paper copies, payable with order.