Year End Instructions

This article has Information for colleagues at the University who are affected by year end deadlines.

The 2017/18 year end is approaching. The University’s financial year end is an important milestone when we publish our financial result. These year end instructions are relevant to all staff members with finance responsibilities.  

Instructions, including the online returns for 2017-18, are available on the Finance website.

Year end Instructions


The general ledger Period 12 close will take place on Monday 6 August, with Period 13 close being Tuesday 14 August 2018. 


Following the period 13 close, access to post entries into eFinancials will be restricted to only the Financial Information, Strategy & Reporting Team (FIRST).  If any material items are identified after the 14 August, these should be reported to FIRST who will advise appropriate action. 


Please adhere to the processing dates as this will help us achieve a quicker accounting close and meet audit and annual return reporting deadlines. 


Year end support 

If this is your first year end or you require any support, please speak to your local or College Finance teams in the first instance. If you have any queries with this guidance, please contact the FIRST team.

Contact FIRST