Procurement Services update

Here you’ll find an update on our Procurement Services that are changing as part of the Finance Transformation Programme.

What do we mean by Procurement Hubs?

A team of experts who will deal with high volume operational day-to-day non-regulated procurement (<£50k) including stores, will work together in specialist hubs (either by category or location specific to utilise necessary local knowledge).

Requisitioners/end users will complete an online request which will either be fulfilled by direct access to catalogues or will be work-flowed to hub staff to action. A Procurement Specialist will lead each hub to provide consistent, professional standards of procurement and stores services throughout the University.

Why are we introducing Procurement Hubs?

A consistent professional procurement service throughout the University is necessary to ensure compliance with statutory regulations, Procurement Policy, control our spend and achieve value for money.

Procurement Services update

  • We’ve been working on what our Procurement Services will look like in the future, including designing the overall structure, roles and where activities will be performed
  • The high level structure and broad delivery plan will be presented to the FTP Board on 22 May for approval and will be shared with the SEP Board to note
  • We are in the process of recruiting a Business Analyst to gather spend data across the University to have a clearer idea of where spend is happening, and how much. This is an important new role and we expect to have the post filled in June. The Business Analyst will gather data on current records of contracts for goods and services, assets and stores across the University to help inform planning for these areas.
  • We want to make sure we are developing the best model for our new Procurement Hubs and are planning to trial a ‘pilot’ hub. This will allow us to test our thinking and develop the model in collaboration with experts in this field
  • Details of the proposed pilot will be shared at the FTP Board on 22 May, where we will seek approval to proceed
  • We’ll then share more detail and next steps with the Finance community.