Team Finance help school pupils become work ready

The Accounts Payable team in Team Finance have hosted 4 Foundation Apprenticeship students (unfortunately cut short due to Covid-19). 

Foundation Apprenticeships are a work-based learning opportunity for senior-phase secondary school pupils.  Lasting two years, pupils typically begin their Foundation Apprenticeship in S5. Young people spend time out of school at the college or with a local employer and complete the Foundation Apprenticeship alongside their other subjects like National 5s and Highers.

It’s a chance for the college students get valuable work experience and gain an industry-recognised qualification.  It also lets the students try out a career while they’re still at school. The team received a lovely message of thanks on behalf of the 4 students and Edinburgh College. 

I am writing on behalf of Edinburgh College to thank you for taking part in the above programme as it has made such a difference to the four students who you gave the opportunity to work within the finance department of Edinburgh University.

I would like to thank both of you personally for all the support you provided to the four girls and to me when I visited, it was outstanding. I know that the girls have all flourished from the experience and although it was disappointing for all  of them that is cut short, they appreciate everything you and your teams did for them.

I hope that going forward you will continue to support the programme and be a partner with Edinburgh College.

Many thanks for everything.

Sandra Morrison, Lecturer in Accounting, Edinburgh College


More information

Finance Apprenticeship Scheme