Updates to payroll submission forms

An update for anyone using payroll submission templates.

We wanted to make you aware of changes we have made to payroll submission templates that you use.

As you know, ensuring staff are paid on time and accurately is a top priority. Following feedback from colleagues and issues identified, we have fine-tuned our new payroll submission templates to better support colleagues when completing them.

Please see below guidance on how to use the new forms and the things you can do to support the University’s payroll processes.


What can I do to help?

·         Always use the standard templates on the “Finance forms page

·         Delete any old versions of forms saved on local drives

·         Share this update with your teams

·         Follow the guidance provided within each template

·         Please do not make any changes to the templates as we cannot upload these to Oracle for payment

·         Ensure submissions are sent to Payroll by 7th of the month

Common issues colleagues can avoid

A large percentage of payment uploads fail each month because of:

1.       Incorrect assignment numbers

2.       Incorrect costing information or codes input into the wrong fields

Resources to help you

1.       Revised Templates

We have made some small changes to our overtime, guaranteed hours and out of hours/fees templates which will be available to download from the finance forms page in the next few days.

These templates now look and feel the same and contain new simplified guidance. You can use your mouse to hover over the headers on the template and a comments box will appear with information on requirements for that field. A new standard Guidance tab has been added to help you understand submission requirements. We have also added information about our new “resource area” for you to check your assignment numbers and costing information (see below).

Any old templates received will need to be returned so please always use the templates available on the Finance Form page to avoid any delays.


2.       New Resource Area:

You can access a list of all your active employees here: U:\USG\Shared-Area\Assignment and Costing Checks

The report will be refreshed fortnightly. The report has 3 separate tabs to help users get the correct payroll information. It is sorted by Assignment, Last Name and School-Planning Unit.


We would like to say a very big thank you to everyone who has supported us over the last few months in our work to standardise payroll submissions. This has been a very large piece of work and your help with this has been invaluable.


Contact us

If you have any queries, would like to give feedback or you need further assistance, please contact Payroll.Manager@ed.ac.uk.