Ways of working update from Finance senior leaders

We're all growing accustomed to these new ways of working. Here's an update on what we can expect in the coming months.

We know from televised updates and from University communications to colleagues that we are not likely to see a resolution to the uncertainty we face for some time.

How things evolve will depend on what happens with the pandemic, and the University will always follow Government advice on keeping people safe. That means that we are currently unable to give a date for when we will be back in the office.

What we can say with certainty is that the University Adaptation and Renewal Team are working hard to establish how to re-open the University when the time comes. We also know that work that cannot be done from home, like Lab-based research and teaching, will take priority.

In Team Finance we are able to provide not all, but a large proportion of of our services with colleagues working from home. That means that some of our team may be among the last to come back to the office. Assuming that the current trajectory of University planning is followed, some of us may be working from home for the rest of this academic year and well into Semester 1 of 2020/21. Whilst this probably won’t come as a surprise to many of you, we're aware that it is a significant piece of news which you may find clarifying, unsettling or a mixture of these and more.  

Take time to rest and recharge

Given that working from home will potentially be a long-term way of working, we'd like to encourage you all to take annual leave as you normally would. It is really important to rest, recharge and top-up your resilience. Although a two-week break might not be too appealing as we can’t go anywhere, still do think about taking regular, shorter breaks.

Our service will continue to evolve both to meet the need to deliver services remotely and to support our University colleagues and students. Thanks for all your hard  work and perseverence.