Statutory increase to your Workplace Pension contributions

As a member of the National Employment Savings Trust (NEST) you currently contribute 3% of your pay towards your pension each month. From 1st April 2019 the statutory minimum level for member pension contributions will increase to 5% of pay and we will adjust your contributions to 5% from that date. In addition to your own contribution, the University pays 3% of your pay into your NEST account for you.  You can find out more about the statutory minimum level of contributions on the government website:

Workplace pensions

The University has an alternative pension arrangement called the University of Edinburgh Staff Benefits Scheme (SBS) and you can join this pension scheme at any time. SBS is a Defined Benefit scheme that offers greater benefits to those offered by NEST. On our website, you can download a ‘Guide for Members’ booklet that gives more detail about the scheme. It also has a handy comparison of benefits table to help you to see at a glance the benefits between the two schemes.

Staff Benefits Scheme

You can access a Net Pay Calculator at that shows the current difference in take home pay. 

Net pay calculator 

Visit the pensions webpages for more information. You can also email us your queries or to request an SBS application form.

Pensions information

Pensions Office

The University of Edinburgh

Contact details