A notice from the cash office to anyone who may have requested or be expecting incoming funds to the University bank account. Happy end of year finance team, hope this unusual year is set to end on a good note for you all. We all know that the year has been a tough one to navigate. As a result we in the Cash Office have seen an unprecedented number of refunds and returned payments due to cancelled events and plans. While we have identified many of these we have a large number of orphaned payments currently going unclaimed. As we draw closer to the end of 2020, I would like to draw your attention to the attached suspense spreadsheet and ask for a moment of your time. These payments have been made to the University’s main account, but the information provided (if there has been any) has not been sufficient for us to find a home for them. They belong to someone out there, so if there is a chance that any of these might be for you or your team, could you please take a look. Any clues or leads would be very much appreciated! If you have any information, questions or would like to know more about a specific item/items, please contact us ASAP at Finance.helpline@ed.ac.uk indicating Cash Office in the subject field and/or me directly on Leif.Rennes@ed.ac.uk. Document Cash Office Suspense Summary 27/11/20 (96.89 KB / PDF) This article was published on 2024-07-01