People and Money - your questions answered

On the September team Finance call we heard from Rachael Robertson, Deputy Director of Finance, on the launch of the People and Money system on 28th Octber.

People and Money illustration woman
People and Money illustration woman

There were some questions that we couldn't answer on the call, so we have gone back to the team who have provided answers for us.


Will queries from staff still go via Unidesk or via People & Money?  

HR queries will come to the HR Helpline by raising a ‘Service Request’, or query, in the People and Money system itself. There is also an in-system bank of how-to guides and other guidance called My Knowledge, which will generally be your first port of call.  Unidesk covers both the Finance helpdesk and IS helpdesk and therefore will still be available to handle Finance or IS queries. Student queries go to Edhelp.

Will we be required to have training to access the new system? Will we be invited for training sessions, or do we need to keep an eye out on the training booking slots ourselves?

No formal training is required for the vast majority of users. The system is very simple and intuitive to use and you can view video demos and guides to the key changes at From 19 October, learning sessions will be provided on recruitment and on-boarding, prioritised to staff part-way through or about to initiate these processes).  Invites will be issued shortly. The system has a bank of searchable guidance called My Knowledge and the HR Helpdesk is there to resolve queries that can’t be resolved through My Knowledge – simply contact the helpdesk team using a Service Request in the system.

In Whosoff we can see who else is on leave in our whole team. In the new system will only the manager of the team see this or will the team be able to see what is already booked before requesting leave?  

Just the line manager will be able to see this information. 


Find out more

We hope this helps. Find out more, watch video demos and sign up for news at