Updated policies: Expenses and Petty Cash

Three Finance policies that have been updated, that may be relevant to you and your roles in Finance; our Expenses Policy, our Petty Cash Policy and our Petty Cash Procedure.

1. Expenses Policy

Following consultation with University staff, the University Executive approved the updated Expenses Policy on 15 January 2019 with effect from 1 March 2019.

The policy has not changed much, and the minor alterations are summarised in the Key Changes. Most of the changes add clarification to the existing policy. The policy has updated contact arrangements for the new Finance Helpline from 21 January 2019.

There is a Key Changes leaflet for you to share with your teams if appropriate (found in Key Changes link above).

Key Travel

It is worth noting that at this time we are not proposing to implement the mandatory use of the University’s Travel Management Service, Key Travel, and staff can use an alternative to Key Travel where financial savings can be clearly demonstrated. The SPUC (Southern Procurement Universities Consortium) Travel Management Services framework agreement with Key Travel expires in May 2019. SPUC is preparing a tender for this new framework agreement. We will review the mandatory use of the University Travel Management Service once the new procurement framework is in place later in 2019 and report back to the University Executive with our recommendations.

The Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) has also been completed as part of our specific statutory duty to assess the equality impact of the revised policy against the needs of the general Equality duty.


2 + 3. Petty Cash Policy and Procedure

These are available on the Finance Policies and Procedures website.

The Petty Cash Policy establishes the proper use and administration of petty cash funds across the University and is supported by the Petty Cash Procedure.

The principles of the policy are to ensure that:

-        Terms under which petty cash facilities are issued, operated and withdrawn are clear and understood

-        Appropriate control procedures are in place

-        Compliance is obtained with University financial policies and procedures


Please do not respond to this email directly. If you have any questions, please contact finance.helpline@ed.ac.uk