Team Finance shout outs and thank yous

At our October Team Finance call, we asked colleagues to share any shout outs to teams or individuals that they wanted to thank for their hard work and team work. Needless to say, there were a lot!

Kerry Ricardson, Service Assurance Manager, Finance Operations:

"I’d like to say a huge thank you to Gordon Forbes and Louise Finnie. Their knowledge, experience and technical input has been invaluable to Kerry Scott and myself over the last few months. It’s been really great having that support, we appreciate it a lot."


Helen Adam, Income Manager, Finance Operations:

"Thanks to Income Section for staying positive during this very busy period and working so hard for the University and our customers."



"I'd like a shout out to Craig Henderson, Karen Rowberry and Gillian Harrison for the seamless co-ordination and distribution of IT kit over the course of the last 18 months."


Claire Ward, Interim Head of Tax, Tax team:

"I'd like to say thanks to my colleauge Magda Crosby.  On top of her BAU she leads the Tax team input to P&M as well as dealing with endless Brexit import queries and my endless emails. Thanks Magda!"


Lorna McLoughlin, Deputy Service Lead, Finance Transformation Programme:

"I would like to thank Craig Henderson, Adam Scott and Karen Rowberry for all their help in sorting out laptops for temporary staff. :) Much appreciated."


Karen Mulila, Finance Manager, Business School:

 "I would like to say a huge thank you to Katrina Richardson and Lynne Tragis in the Business School Finance Team. The last few months have been tough with staff shortages and high workload and both Katrina and Lynne have worked above and beyond of what’s expected. Their continuous hard work has helped us get through and are a real credit to the School/Team Finance. I would also like to thank our CAHSS College Finance Team – they provide such an excellent support and are always on hand to help."


Mark Waugh, Deputy Manager, Finance Operations:

"Thanks to Helen Adam for all her input to the Income Section and the changes made to finance functions that has been a benefit to staff, customers, students and the University of Edinburgh.  Best wishes for your retirement"


Christian Davis, Finance Business Partner, Business Planning:

"Thanks to the multi-disciplinary team who worked hard to implement system and process changes for receipts of tuition fees. Helen Adam reports improvements over last year, higher cash receipts and fewer helpdesk calls. The current situation isn’t perfect, but we are in a better place than last year. The team included: Helen Adam, Douglas Stewart, Steph McHugh. From outside Finance contributions came from Chris Giles, Mary Elder, Karen Todd, Ravinder Panesar."


Rosemary Johnson, Accounts Payable Manager, Finance Operations:

"A huge thank you to Audry Dasnoy for her time with us over the last year and a bit. We were lucky enough to be able to get Audry back whilst travel was halted due to Covid-19. Enjoy your travels, stay safe, stay in touch and thanks for all your help."



"A big thank you to the Printing Services Team for all their work producing a wide range of printed materials to support teaching, learning and hybrid working around the University."