We’d like to make you aware of some good news relating to the supply of the University’s stationery. After various assessments to look at how best to satisfy our future needs including better pricing, improved performance and associated savings, the University is ending its contract with Office Depot with effect from 1st October 2020. All stationery orders from that date will be supplied by Banner UK office supplies. You don't need to do anything differently when ordering stationery. Banner UK will be available as a punchout from the SciQuest eProcurement platform, in the same way Office Depot was. Image There will be a transitional handover period of one week where you will be able to order from both suppliers, 1 - 7 October 2020, after which we will remove Office Depot permanently from the SciQuest system. Below is a Buyer's Guide, providing more information on what goods are available, as well as a list of Frequently Asked Questions. If you have any questions or concerns at this stage, please contact Finance.Helpline@ed.ac.uk. Buyer's Guide Document Buyer's Guide (129.4 KB / PDF) Banner FAQ’s – New University Stationery Supplier Does the University of Edinburgh have a new Stationer supplier? Yes. Banner Group Ltd are replacing Office Depot as the new University supplier from 1 October 2020. What has changed in how I order stationery? Very little. Banner provide a similar order platform and we will order through SciQuest/Jaggaer as before. Will I still be able to buy all my usual Stationery requirements as before. Banner will still provide the full range of Stationery items. However additional extras such as tea and coffee will no longer be available due to the new financial circumstances we find ourselves in. If you receive any complaints in this regard please refer them to Finance.Helpline@ed.ac.uk. Will banner still deliver to all University locations as before? Yes Banner will serve all University locations. There will however be no home deliveries. The University has a policy for expenses incurred while working from home. Will we save money on our budget by using this supplier? Yes. On average the University should achieve approximately 16% saving by switching to Banner as a supplier. Who should I contact if I encounter any issues with the new supplier. Neil Crowley is the member of the University Procurement Team with overall responsibility for the successful running of this new agreement. Neil is contactable via the Finance Helpline. Jim O’Hara is the Banner Contract Manager responsible for the relationship between Banner and the University. Jim is to be utilised as the escalation point for any supplier queries and will endeavour to ensure the University is satisfied with every aspect of their service. This article was published on 2024-07-01