Updated Expenses Policy

The University Executive approved the updated Expenses Policy on 15 January 2019 (effective 1 March 2019).

The University Executive approved the updated Expenses Policy on 15 January 2019. This will be launched on 1 March 2019 following HR Policy Development Group and CJCNC sign-off. The policy will be published following the required approvals. Following staff consultation, the changes add clarification to the existing policy, especially in relation to research funder restrictions and for eligibility of expenses for tax relief. At this time we are not proposing to implement the mandatory use of the University’s Travel Management Service, Key Travel. The policy also has updated contact arrangements for the new Finance helpline implemented on 21 January 2019. Please contact Finance.helpline@ed.ac.uk or 0131 651 5151 (option 1).

The expenses FAQs also provide guidance on the updated policy.

View expenses FAQs


The Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) has also been completed and published as part of our specific statutory duty to assess the equality impact of the revised policy against the needs of the general Equality duty:


View Equality Impact Assesment Template