Privacy Notice for SBS members

This Privacy Notice explains what personal information the Trustees hold about you as a member of the Staff Benefits Scheme.

The Trustees of the University of Edinburgh Staff Benefits Scheme are committed to protecting and respecting your data. This Privacy Notice contains important information about how we use personal data that we collect from you or that you provide to us.  Please take time to read this notice.  You do not need to take any action in relation to this Privacy Notice.

About this notice

This Privacy Notice explains what personal information the Trustees hold about you as a member of the Staff Benefits Scheme. It explains why we hold this information, what we do with it, how long we keep it for and if we share it with third parties.

Information we hold about you and how we share personal data

We collect and use your personal data for a number of purposes. For example, we need it to calculate your pension benefits and those of your beneficiaries.

We also use individual member information to help us understand the make-up of our membership and to help us to value the assets and liabilities of the Scheme.

The table below describes in full the information we may hold about you, what we need it for, where we get it from and who we share it with. The precise information we hold will vary slightly for each member of the Scheme.

As you will see, the Trustees share your personal information with their administrators and advisers. No personal information is at present transferred outside the European Economic Area. Should, however, that occur in certain circumstances in the future, the parties involved will ensure that appropriate legal safeguards are in place.

The information we hold What we need it for Where we get it from Third Parties we may share it with
Your name, address, personal e-mail address, work address, home address

To contact you

To process payments and benefits to you

You, when you applied to join the Scheme Or The University’s central database

Pension Scheme Administrator

Pension Scheme Actuary Life Assurance Provider

The start date of your pension scheme membership To calculate, process and provide payment and benefits to you You, when you applied to join the Scheme Or The University’s central database

Pension Scheme Administrator

Pension Scheme Actuary Life Assurance Provider

Bank account details To pay your pension benefits You, when you completed your retirement application Or The University’s central database when you left the Scheme Pension Scheme Administrator
National Insurance Number To identify you to HMRC upon payment of your pension benefit The University’s central database or From correspondence from HRMC


Pension Scheme Administrator

Payroll records, including details of your current salary and salary history;

Pension scheme contributions and any additional voluntary contributions you may have set up.

To calculate, process and pay your pension benefits.

To maintain a record of your pension contributions.

The University’s central database


Pension Scheme Administrator

Your expression of wishes details To allow us to pay benefits to your named beneficiaries in the event of your death You, when you asked us to update the details we held previously Pension Scheme Administrator
Details of statutory and unpaid leave that has an effect on your pensionable service or contributions To calculate the correct level of pension benefit The University’s central database

Pension Scheme Administrator

Life Assurance Provider

Information and correspondence about flexible retirement applications

To keep records of your flexible working request

To comply with our legal obligations

You, when you make a flexible retirement application

The University, in response to your application

Pension Scheme Administrator
Your date of birth, age and gender To determine pension eligibility From you when you applied joined the University

Pension Scheme Administrator

Pension Scheme Actuary

Life Assurance Provider

Your marriage or civil partnership status To provide beneficiary benefits upon your death You, when you asked us to update the details we held previously

Pension Scheme Administrator

Pension Scheme Actuary

Information about medical or health conditions To pay ill health retirement benefits

For information you may provide at any time during your employment

From information provided by your GP/health specialist or Occupational Health with your consent

Pension Scheme Administrator

Scheme’s Independent Medical Adviser

Correspondence to and from you (electronic or otherwise) In relation to any aspect of your Scheme membership From you or generated by the Scheme in response to your correspondence Pension Scheme Administrator

Legal Basis

Under data protection law, we can only hold and use your personal information if we have a legal basis for doing so. In most cases, our legal basis for holding personal data about you is that we have a legal obligation to use this data to ensure you receive the benefits you have been promised. We must by law provide benefits in line with the Scheme’s governing documents and must also meet other legal requirements when looking after the Scheme.

In certain circumstances, we may also use your personal information on the lawful basis of our legitimate interest in properly looking after the Scheme, or (as the Scheme’s sponsoring employer) the University’s legitimate interests in understanding the makeup of the Scheme and its obligations to it.

Your rights

Different lawful bases apply to ‘special’ or sensitive personal data. If we need to use information about your health (or other very personal and private information), we may ask your consent. However, sometimes there may be reasons of public interest or law that enable us to use this information without consent, for example, for the purposes of making a determination in connection with your eligibility for the Scheme or with any benefits that may be payable under the Scheme. If we have asked for and you have given us your consent, you can withdraw this at any time by contacting the Trustees.

Data retention

Pension benefits are paid over a long period and your right to benefits under the Scheme is based on information which may go back many years. Our policy is, therefore, to retain information relating to you until your membership of the Scheme ends.

Once your membership ends, we may decide to delete some of the data held in relation to you after 6 years. However, information may be held in respect of former members for longer where we consider it appropriate in order to ensure the Scheme pays the correct benefits and to deal with any queries relating to your benefits which may arise after that time.

We review our retention periods for personal data on a regular basis. You have rights in relation to your personal information; these may include a right to have access to your data, to correct any mistakes in the information we hold about you, and to object to the way in which we use your data.

Data Controller

The Trustees are the 'Data Controller' of your personal information,  as that term is defined in the EU General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679). This means it is the Trustees who determine the manner and purpose for which your personal information is used.

Further queries

If you have any queries about your rights or about this notice, you can contact the Trustees via the Scheme Secretary at The University of Edinburgh, Pensions Office, Charles Stewart House, 9-16 Chambers Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1HT.


If you are unhappy with how the Trustees have responded to your queries, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office.

ICO guidance on reporting a data protection concern

Changes to this Privacy Notice

We may change this privacy notice from time to time. You should check back frequently to ensure you are aware of the most recent version. Updated versions of this privacy notice will be available on your Scheme administration online account (PensionWeb) and at the University of Edinburgh’s pension webpages at


The Trustees of the University of Edinburgh Staff Benefits Scheme

This Privacy Notice was last updated in May 2018