New Finance Helpline proves a hit

This month saw the successful launch of the Finance Helpline: a brand new channel of support designed to solve colleagues’ finance related queries.

The new system was put to the test immediately taking 1,700 enquiries in the first three days!

The service has established a dedicated team of Finance experts to provide a first class one-stop shop service for all finance enquiries, as well as improved online support materials.

Straightforward user queries are resolved either by staff at the first contact point or via self-help. More complex user queries are passed on immediately to the most appropriate, specialist member of staff. The system also prompts users for feedback each time their enquiry is resolved so we can identify ways to improve the service in future. 

After all of the work that has gone into this project, from colleagues across the University who took part in the consultation and development of the new process, it’s great to see the helpline go live. The system faced a stern test in its first days of operation which it passed with flying colours!

Lee Hamill
Programme Sponsor, Finance Transformation

The Finance Helpline is open Monday to Friday 8:30 – 17:30.

Find out more about the new service