The Scottish Universities Finance Conference 2019

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This year's Scottish Universities Finance Conference is being held on Friday, 25th October 2019 at the John McIntyre Conference Centre at Pollock Halls, 18 Holyrood Park Rd, Edinburgh.

Who should attend?

Finance Conference

The conference will be of interest to anyone working in a finance related role across the University and colleagues working in similar roles at other Scottish HE institutions.

What does the conference aim to do?

This all-day conference will follow a similar format to last year and will have distinguished speakers, multiple exhibitors, excellent networking opportunities and plenty of refreshments throughout the day. The conference aims to provide inspirational discussions around current topics for the Higher Education finance community, as well as key functions and updates from the Finance Department at the University of Edinburgh.

In addition to plenary sessions, attendees may choose from multiple workshops covering areas on a range of topical issues. 

Who is presenting?

There will be an impressive range of internal and external speakers throughout the day including a key note address from the Principal, Professor Jonathan Seckl, Lee Hamill, Director of Finance, and Liam McCabe, Director of Finance, University of Stirling.

How to Book

Booking will open soon and we will notify you of how to book shortly but please save the date in your calendar now.