Case study: Learning and Teaching

Created by The University of Edinburgh Careers Service and hosted within the Data Driven Innovation Programme of the Edinburgh and South East Scotland Region City Deal, Students as Change Agents (SACHA) is a co-curricular experiential idea lab that brings students from different academic disciplines and levels together to tackle real-world complex challenges linked to the UN Sustainability Goals.

Students as Change Agents
Students as Change Agents

SaCHa enhances particpating students’ learning and teaching experience at Edinburgh through the chance to develop skills such as complex problem-solving, leadership, social influence and reasoning.

By linking challenges to the SDGs, students learn they can have a positive social impact now and the future. This year, using online training tools and platforms, SACHA has moved at scale with over 250 student completions across three programmes with 11 different challenge partners, with groups ideating on subjects such as fashion overconsumption, fuel poverty, sustainable tourism, youth homelessness, and building a more welcoming Scotland for refugees and asylum seekers.

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