Pay Dates and Payroll Deadlines

In general, pay day for the University is the 28th of each month; unless it falls on a weekend, in which case it is the Friday preceding the 28th.

In general, pay day for the University is the 28th of each month; unless it falls on a weekend, in which case it is the Friday preceding the 28th.

From April 2022 onwards, individuals who begin work at the University on or after the Payroll has run will not be paid until the following month’s pay day.

When new employees are added to People and Money, they are classified as Pending Workers until their start date, at which point they will be converted to employees. If a pending worker does not convert to an employee by the time the Payroll is run, they will not be paid for that month.

The new employee’s record must have all the pay-impacting information in the system by the time the Payroll is run, including bank details, payment method, work schedule, line manager, date of birth and gender.

The date the Payroll is run is usually around the 18th/19th/ 20th of the month though this does vary month to month. Payments to the new employee will be made on the following month's pay day.

Employees must ensure their bank details are input when they start or they may not be paid their first payment on time or a delay in receiving any arrears of pay.


For information on cut off dates, payslip availability and pay dates please open the document below.




Payslips from April 2022 onwards can be found on People and Money.  For guidance on how to view your payslip, please see the People and Money user guides webpage. 

People and Money User Guides