Financial Difficulty

We recommend very strongly that you give early consideration to the payment of your fees and that you contact us as soon as you know there is likely to be a difficulty.

Student Fee Collection Policy

Student academic fees must be paid per the University’s terms and conditions. Students who do not pay as expected are considered to have defaulted on their legal obligation and arrears action will be taken. Reminders, sent to University student email account, should not be ignored. Even if you think the reminder has been sent in error please do get in touch with us. Students who come to see us will be treated with dignity and respect.

If you are receiving financial help from family, friends or similar please ensure they are aware of payment amounts and dates as this will not be considered a reason for delaying payment.

Before or at matriculation

If you have financial difficulties prior to or at matriculation then you must seriously consider, with the consent of your Personal Tutor, Supervisor or Director of Studies, delaying the start date until sufficient funds to cover fees are available.

Alternative payment schedules are not available to commencing students.

During the academic year

If, during your programme of study, you experience financial difficulties that have arisen for reasons beyond your control, please contact Income Section staff as soon as possible. You will be asked to provide as much information about your situation as you can, and if possible you should propose an alternative payment schedule. We will always ask for evidence of your circumstances, so please be ready to provide this. We will make every effort to understand your situation, and will try to make suggestions that may help you address the financial difficulty. We do appreciate that financial difficulties can be very distressing however this does not mean that we are in a position to accommodate all alternative payment schedules proposed to us. Where this is the case, you will be asked to give the matter further thought and to work with us to achieve an acceptable outcome. You may also consider an interruption of study, with the consent of your Personal Tutor, Supervisor or Director of Studies, if your financial difficulty is extreme or likely to be long-term.

If you find yourself in this situation you may request more time to pay the University. 

Deferring or interrupting study

It is recommended that any student considering deferring their start date or taking an interruption of study should contact Student Administration about the possible effect on the fees to be charged when study resumes. International students studying here under Tier 4 regulations are also recommended to speak with an immigration adviser about the implications to their UK visa.

Book a meeting with Income Section, Finance

Finance staff are available (booking required) to give individual advice on MS Teams about the University payment options and methods:

Booking for Pay Fees Advice

Funding and further advice

Information about possible funding sources is given by Student Administration:

The Scholarships and Student Funding Services - Student Administration

The Advice Place also provides information and advice:

The Advice Place - EUSA

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