If you have an international educational loan to pay for your tuition fees, then you may need to provide proof of your loan and pay for any tuition fees not covered by your funding. Pay your tuition fees if you have a US loan If you have a US federal loan or private loan, an instalment plan will be set up to align with your loan disbursement dates. You must provide your bank details using the Convera Global Pay Payee Manager system so any surplus funds due after a tuition fees payment can be refunded back to you. Pay your tuition fees if you have funding from Lanekassen, CSN, Kela, SU or LIN If you have a Lanekassen, CSN, Kela, SU or LIN loan for all or part of your tuition fees, then it is your responsibility to pay your tuition fees with your loan and any remaining tuition fees. Pay your tuition fees with an Indian bank loan Once you secure your loan, you need to follow the steps provided by your loan provider so that you receive your funding in time for the start of your programme. We will issue you an invoice that tells you the exact amount you owe. Pay your tuition fees if you have funding from the Canadian government Once you secure your funding from the Canadian government, then it is your responsibility to pay for your tuition fees by choosing to set up an instalment plan, pay by card or bank transfer. Pay your tuition fees if you have a Colfuturo loan Once you secure your Colfuturo loan, then it is your responsibility to pay for your tuition fees by choosing to set up an instalment plan, pay by card or bank transfer. This article was published on 2024-07-01