Lesley Forrest steps up to raise money

Finance colleague Lesley Forrest steps up to the Captain Tom 100k challenge, and there's still time to donate.

"When the word came out that Kidney research were looking for ideas from people to fundraise, I took up the challenge.  They were looking for people to do 100 things over 4 days - would it be 100 skips, eating 100 hotdogs or hula-hooping 100 times?

Lesley Forrest taking part in the Captain Tom 100k challenge
Lesley Forrest taking part in the Captain Tom 100k challenge

I decided that I would walk 100km over 4 days with the help of family.  Nine of my close family members, including myself, have kidney disease so it is a  cause very close to my heart."

Walking the walk

"On Friday I walked with my husband to Joppa and back from Newington. On Saturday my daughter Amy and I walked the River Almond walkway and Cramond. Sunday was the Blackford Hills along with family and the dog. On Monday I walked Arthur Seat with my sister.

In total along we managed to walk 164 km and the funds raised will go towards research into Alports Syndrome, a hereditary kidney disease."



"I understand that we all have our chosen charities that we give to but if you would like to donate to mine the link is below.

Thank you

Lesley Forrest"

Donate to Lesley's chosen charity, Alport UK