Payroll and Pensions

Section L

89.  Staff records and contracts

A contract must be set up by the Human Resources Department before any work is performed. Departments should not contract with individuals directly.

Managers must ensure that the relevant Head of Human Resources is provided promptly with all information required in connection with the appointment, resignation or dismissal of employees


The Director of Human Resources is responsible for:

a.  ensuring all contracts of employment are in accordance with the University's approved Human Resources practices and procedures,

b.  the maintenance of staff records and for determining the contractual arrangements relating to the payments of salaries, wages and other emoluments,

c.  issuing all contracts of employment.

90.  Staff payment

The Director of Finance is responsible for ensuring:

a.  that people are paid through the University payroll,

b.  that tax is deducted, except where satisfied that a contract of employment does not exist, and

c.  the maintenance of related records, including those of a statutory nature.

91.  Payment of wages, salaries and other remuneration

Except where specifically directed by the Director of Finance, all payments of wages, salaries or other salary emoluments or employment shall be made through the University payroll. The payroll is run on the Oracle HR system and is jointly managed by HR and Finance.

92.  Pensions

The eligibility of staff for membership of the University's Superannuation Scheme (USS), the Edinburgh University Staff Benefits Scheme (SBS), the National Employment Savings Trust (NEST) and any legacy Schemes will be detailed in individual contracts of employment and the University’s conditions of service documents.

The Director of Finance is responsible for undertaking the Court's role as employer in relation to most pension matters.