Starting a new job during lockdown

In this special feature, we speak to one of our many new colleagues who have started working in Team Finance during lockdown.


Jim Madden
Jim Madden, Treasury Manager

We speak to Jim Madden, Treasury Manager, who started at the University in early May during lockdown. Jim tells us about his experience of starting a new job from home...

Normally with a new job you might be wondering about your best route into work and meeting your new colleagues. This probably wasn't the case for you! How was your first day at work and how has your induction been in general? 

I am fortunate to live within a 15 minute brisk walk to what would be my normal office location in Charles Stewart House. However, my formal start date in my new role was the 5th May and therefore not your usual start to a new job being in the midst of the lock-down. There had already been a large amount of pre-planning put in place for me starting and my colleagues have always been on hand to address any initial queries. This has made settling-in a very smooth transition indeed.       

And what is it you'll be doing at the University, and can you do most of your work from home?

My role as Treasury Manager will cover responsibility for the University’s corporate liquidity, investments and risk management related to the University’s financial activities. With the IT infrastructure in place, I envisage being able to work effectively from home. However, I do look forward to hopefully getting back to some form of office-based working where possible.

What sort of set up do you have at home? 

It is just my wife and I in our home but with our two girls living within walking distance we haven’t found the lock-down as stressful as others in being too isolated. I have to admit that I have personally found working from home to be more effective than anticipated given the IT set-up.

Hopefully you have been (virtually of course) meeting your colleagues and feel part of the team

I have managed to meet-up with a number of colleagues prior to officially starting and the lock-down measures being put in place. I’ve been on quite a number of Microsoft Teams/Zoom meetings and these have been extremely useful in to getting to know people in the wider Finance Team.  


To find out more about Jim and his roe within Team Finance, have a read of this article: Team Finance Welcomes New Treasury Manager.