Expenses policy: We’d love to hear from you!

Almost a year has passed since we updated our Expenses policy, and we’d love to get your feedback for our annual review of the policy.

Most of you will be aware that on 1 Dec 2017 we made changes to our Expenses Policy to make sure it’s up-to-date, operationally effective and compliant with our charitable purpose, public expectation and tax laws. It also helps claimants and authorisers to understand what can and can’t be claimed for, what’s considered reasonable and what the exceptions are.

Thank you to all staff who have helped to embed it across your area. 


Send us your comments

We are now undertaking the first annual review of this policy and would appreciate  your input. We would love to get your comments on topics such as:

 - how you are finding the new expenses policy

- if there are any changes you would make

- how easy or difficult the new policy was to adhere to in your department.

 We will present our recommendations to the University Executive on 15th January to update the expenses policy. Any proposed changes will be shared with the trade unions for feedback and approval.


Please send any comments to first.finance@ed.ac.uk by 7th December.


More information

Here you can find the New Expenses Policy, a handy document detailing the key changes, and a selection of Frequently Asked Questions



The Finance Department have a dedicated team to help embed the policy smoothly across the University. If you have any questions about the updated Expenses policy, please email first.finance@ed.ac.uk  and we’ll be happy to help.

If you have any questions about the eExpenses system, please email finance@ed.ac.uk or call 0131 650 2387.