Provide feedback on new Finance resources

We're asking for your feedback on improvements we have made to the resources available to staff who have queries regarding Pensions, Payroll, Insurance, Tax, Treasury and the Business Planning Team.

Our aim is to make it easier for staff to find the information they need quickly and effectively. Can you please forward this email to members of your team and anyone else who you feel would be able to feed into this.


The Specialist Services teams have been looking at the information that is readily available for staff. The following issues were identified:

  • Existing Finance web pages are out of date
  • Existing processes and procedures are managed via the Wiki where information is often duplicated and/or conflicting
  • Lack of signposting on the web/wiki leaving users unsure of where to go for further information
  • No direct link between each team i.e. Tax and Payroll
  • Lack of guidance for staff on “how to” and no description of the services offered by each team
  • No separation between information for external customers and staff

As University Finance moves closer towards the implementation of the new People and Money system, we are continually looking at the best ways to support our staff and external customers not only for Specialist Services but for all Finance teams.

Specialist Services Resource Area

The Specialist Services Teams have developed and improved information on their services for University staff on a SharePoint Site giving guidance on processes, links to policies and more general information on the services provided by each Specialist Services Team. The site can be found here Finance Specialist Services - Home ( 

Our proposal

Our proposal is to remove the existing wiki content and update the Finance web pages, Finance Helpline articles and Knowledge base articles within People and Money. While we work through these updates, the Specialist Services SharePoint site can be used as an interim solution so staff have the most up to date information to work from. 

Your feedback is important to us

We want to continue to make improvements but we want you to have a voice in what you find useful in supporting your day-to-day role, helping to make processes as easy and as streamlined as possible.

If you would like to provide feedback on the SharePoint site, you can do so by contacting the Finance Transformation Programme (FTP) team via email -  

We are particularly interested in feedback on the content – what else would you like to see, what would help you in your day to day role?

What happens next?

Your feedback will be collected and any missing content will be updated. Please continue to use the SharePoint site as your go to place for Specialist Services information while we take the necessary steps to review and update our existing information.

Useful links

Finance Helpdesk

Finance Transformation Programme Info Hub

Finance Forms Page

Payroll Services Web Page

Pensions web page

Tax web page

Insurance web page

Treasury web page

Business Planning Team web page