VAT checking for Research Projects

Do you have trouble working out the VAT status of a research project?
We have a new web-based system for checking VAT on a research project. The system is known as the Research Liability Tool (RLT) and has been developed by KPMG as a guide to determining the correct VAT status of a research project.

Stem cells in culture

Getting the VAT right on a research project can be tricky.

We now have a web-based tool that helps determine the tax position of research projects undertaken by the Institution.  Based on your responses to a series of questions, the tool will return a suggested treatment for both VAT and Corporate Tax purposes.   The tool is in accordance with current tax law, HMRC guidelines, and Charity Commission guidance but relies on the accuracy of your responses.  

If you are unsure how to answer a question, or you find that the resulting decision is unexpected, please discuss your requirements with our new Training Accountant, or with VAT/Tax team in Finance.

Further information about the VAT checking for research is available here.

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